Top 10 Interesting Studies On Men, Will Sway Your Mind Away

Men enjoying the friends’ company.pic credit
From The ‘LYF’ Desk
‘MEN Will Be Men’, you must have read this phrase somewhere definitely in your lifetime. You may interpret this phrase in your own way. LYF blog presents you the mind-boggling and top 10 interesting studies on men that will sway your mind away.
Read below the top 10 interesting studies, and surveys on male folk.
Hey Man, You Are Facing A Semen Shortage..!

Yes, you heard, right. A new study on male fertility shows that semen shortage is alarming. The study establishes its claim by gauging the facts about the number of men undergoing infertility treatment in the US and Spain.
Alarmingly the numbers of men in the abovesaid countries being treated for male infertility have increased from 8000 to 60000 from the year 2002.
The average age of persons seeking this treatment is 36 years old.
As per the lead researcher, Dr Ashle Tiegs, while corroborating his claims says that the culture of an unhealthy lifestyle that includes unhealthy diet, less natural intake, and exposure to plastic can be the cause of decreasing male infertility.
Dr Ashle’s researcher presents that it is not only the number of men seeking treatment increased, but the sperm count is also on the declining side. If the trend continues, the situation may become more alarming for male folks and becoming a father after marriage could be challenging for the men.
Top 10 Interesting Studies On Men, Will Sway Your Mind Away Share on X
You Men, get bored after 26 minutes of a shopping trip with wife

Yes, you read right. The menfolk have only 26 minutes stamina while out on shopping with wives. This applies to average males who go to hang out with their wives.
On the other side, average woman have the stamina to take a round of the shopping malls or complex for around two hours and after spending two hours, they usually get the feeling of boredom, a study reveals.
This research was conducted by Andy Oldham, Managing Director at the UK’s biggest cashback site Quidco.Com.
He while corroborating his study claims says, shopping is known as the cup of tea of women and it has a least worthy thing for men.
In the study of 2000 Britons, eight in 10 men on an average were found bored after half an hour round of the shopping area with their wives.
These 8 men said they could spend more than half an hour only when they have to buy something for themselves while others maintained that they always try to avoid shopping with wives.
Study also tries to substantiate its claims by putting light of some factors responsible for this trend including women take too much time to buy things, men cannot indulge in unhealthy bargaining practice, visiting the same shop again and again, despite spending huge time in buying things women keep asking for opinion of husband, extreme weather conditions may be hot or too cold, when a man is hungry and his wife still pays more concern to her shopping spree.
Hey Men Folk, Don’t Watch Porn You May Lose The Glitter of Real Relationship

Oh My God, watching porn is set to decay your real relationship either with your wife or a lover.
Yes, a study by Indiana University and the University of Huwai say so.
Study shows that when you get addicted to porn videos, your addiction will mar your sexual pleasure from your wife or a woman with whom you are in the heart to heart relationship.
When you consume porn, your own attainable standard becomes unattainable when it comes to the real relationship.
It is because you cannot match your standard with the playboy or your wife cannot match her energy with the energy and tactics of a porn star.
Abstract from the study states, “Fifty studies collectively including more than 50,000 participants from 10 countries were located across the interpersonal domains of sexual and relational satisfaction and the intrapersonal domains of body and self-satisfaction”
“Pornography consumption was not related to the intrapersonal satisfaction outcomes that were studied. However, pornography consumption was associated with lower interpersonal satisfaction outcomes in cross‐sectional surveys, longitudinal surveys, and experiments” study maintains.
Associations between pornography consumption and reduced interpersonal satisfaction outcomes were not moderated by their year of release or their publication status. But analyses by sex indicted significant results for men only, study further corroborates.
Divorced Women Are More Happier Than Men

When a woman gets married and she enjoys a relationship with her husband, she feels on the cloud nine.
But… When her relationship witness a jerk due to some unavoidable reasons and it ceases to exist due to any of the reason, initially, most of the women may think it the end of the world.
It is a proven fact that when a divorced woman rises back from the shattered life, she can conquer the world and she can live a more happy life than ever.
The study shows that divorce benefits women more than men in terms of scaling the heights of life.
A study conducted by Style Magazine, 53 per cent women who had sought a divorce maintained that post-divorce they are living a happier life while only 32 per cent men said so.
Under this study, 1060 divorced Britoshem and women were told to fill a questionnaire concerning their post-married life. The questionnaire also mentions the cause of divorce.
Stunningly women replied very enthusiastically with a bombastic reply like a celebration, glad, excitement, happier etc while the replies of men were more of sorry kind signifying failure, sadness, displeasure, dismay, sorrow etc.
Interestingly 17 per cent men show feeling and emotions for their former spouses while only 8 per cent women think of this way.
The study also found that taking a divorce or living a divorcee life is no longer a stigma for women. As many as 86 per cent women conceded that living life after taking divorce is nothing of little ashamed of.
Do You Want To Stay Healthy, Then You Need To Hang Out With Pals

Cheers, the Beer lovers..! If you do not want to fall ill or fall prey to depression, then you need to hang out with your friends.
A study conducted by the University of Oxford claims that if you maintain a habit of chilling out with friends to grab a cup of coffee, beer or anything of your choice, yes, you are getting an essential feed for your good health.
The study, conducted by Robin Dunbar, a psychologist and director of Oxford University’s social and evolutionary neuroscience research group, suggests that if men hang out with their buds twice a week, they can remain away from the common problems like depression, and other mental and physical blues.
A study reveals that if any person having good social friends and he is indulging in a frequent outing, he will overcome an illness or depression caused by job insecurity or meagre income.
Last but not least, kindly take due permission from your wife or girlfriend for the purpose, tension or depression may follow you at the bar…Just Chill…!
Don’t Feel Bad ‘Oh’ Darker, Red Haired Women, Men’s First Choice Is Blonde Women

A New study published in The Journal Social Psychology has cleared the air that men are more attracted to blonde women than the women having darker or red hairs.
A study by the researchers of University in Minnesota relies on the viewpoint of 110 men, who were shown the pictures of women having blonde, brown and black hairs.
The purpose was to investigate how women’s hair colour (blond, brown, black) and length (short, medium, long) influences males’ judgments about the women’s age, health, physical attractiveness, relationship potential, and parenting capability.
Do you know what came out, it indicates that hair colour and, to a lesser extent, the length can affect perceptions of personal characteristics.
To more specific, lighter hair (blond and brown) compared to darker hair (black) is generally associated with perceptions of youth, health and attractiveness, and generally leads to more positive perceptions of relationship and parenting potential.
Interestingly men rated blonde women as women they would love to date with, in nutshell ‘ dateable’ but when it comes to black and brown hair women, do you what men termed them, ‘a wife sort of category’.
Is It..? Consume Alcohol To Stay Away From Falling Sick

Hey booze lovers, you seem to be happy reading this.
Yes its true, a new study conducted on 47000 people in Europe shows that people are abstainer are on the more risk of falling ill than the people who consume alcohol more frequently.
The study reveals that people who are teetotaler remain at risk of being falling prey to respiratory and digestive disease. These persons may take more leave from office as they may fall ill more frequently.
So if you want to stay away from a mental disorder, do have one or two pegs frequently.
A piece of gentle advice, please do not become a drunkard, take due precautions and do not drink excess alcohol. Because it is said, ‘Excess of everything is bad for health”. Stay Healthy guys.
Every Third Man Shows Will To Have Contraceptive Pill

Yes, you read it right. Taking a contraceptive pill will not more be a responsibility of women. A new study shows that every third man is willing to take a contraceptive pill.
Sources maintain that a male pill was earlier proved successful and now it is to be seen if it is approved, then men and women will share the responsibility of contraception.
As per the study, a 33 per cent of sexually active men are open to consuming contraceptive pill to protect the pregnancy. It is said to be the same percentage of women taking pills at present.
In this study 50 per cent of the men say they will probably not take contraceptive pills.
Surprisingly, 46 per cent of women are still saying no to contraception.
One thing is sure, if such a pill comes, the male should have to share the equal responsibility of contraception.
Hey men, let the pill come, till then you make up your mind as women are on the job.
Oh Man, Study Finds You Face More Discrimination At Work

Oh man, you are really an innocent creature in the world. A study finds that man faces more discrimination at work than a woman.
This study measures the basis of gender inequality after scanning the 6.8 men at the workplace.
The study was carried out by the University of Essex and the University of Missouri-Columbia and published in the journal Plos One.
The study says men are at receiving end in 91 countries and women are disadvantaged at only 43 countries. This signifies that women are better off in most of the countries than men.
Out of 91 countries, UK, US, Australia are on the forefront when it comes to extending step-motherly treatment to men and for women, China, Italy and Israel offer the least mercy for women at the workplace.
10 Per Cent People Check Phone During Sex
It may sound weird, yes, its true. A study shows that almost 10 per cent people check their mobile phones while indulging in sex or an intimate act. As per the survey conducted on 1000 participants, the age group of 18 to 34 admits of checking phone twice during romance.
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